PBS Newshour Hands Down

In the aftermath of the primaries and caucuses in Arizona, Utah, and Idaho, and the bombings in Brussels, I – like many – was riveted to the news. Watching CNN coverage, then PBS Newshour, reinforced my belief that PBS is head and shoulders above CNN in the range of news covered, the reporting of facts on the ground v personal opinions, and balance. All three Republican candidates and Bernie Sanders, as well as Hillary Clinton, were covered well. PBS remains tied to a tradition of fairness, balance and accuracy that is clearly demonstrated at times such as this. More for less indeed. Well done #PBSNewhour url

One thought on “PBS Newshour Hands Down

  1. Reblogged this on Saqib Ali and commented:
    I used listed to PBS broadcasts when I used to drive to. Now a days since I am taking public transport to work, I barely get to listen to any news. I do get a lot of reading done though 🙂

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